Sunday, October 31, 2010

Michael's Judas

I can remember somewhere in my treasure trove of Michael Jackson memorabilia, either on video or in manuscript, that Michael said that if he could not help children, if he could not continue to do things for children, he'd might as well be dead.  Surely if I remember that, some other people with the ability to make that happen also heard it.  And on June 25, 2009, some person(s) went about the business of making that statement a truth.  I believe Michael Jackson's death was the work of conspirators.  I believe it with all of my heart.

I also recall Michael Jackson doing hundreds of grueling concerts, attended by millions, whereby he donated every single dime earned to charity.  What does that say to me?  One very important thing it says is that earning and having money was of no value to Michael if it not be shared with those who were less fortunate than him.  It said to me that to earn and pile money on top of money in a bank somewhere unaccounted and uncounted, just for the sake of having it, was of no interest to him.  He would rather give it to Africa, to children in crisis, to victims of disaster than allow it to simply accumulate interest and not be used to help those in need.  Michael Jackson was a philanthropist and nothing was more important to him than healing the world.  Giving back.  Can you imagine then how upset that would make those moguls who stood to lose from all that money he was giving away?  The greedy people who ate, drank and slept money?  Bet they hated seeing all that revenue flying out of their hands and into the hands of the needy of the world.  Yeah.  I'll bet they did. How dare Michael give HIS money away to those people when he could be investing it in the "company" increasing their value and their networth?  What on earth was he thinking?  Helping the down trodden certainly has a limit. And certainly Michael jackson was going above and beyond.  Hell, thats not the way to keep So... I mean the "company" happy.  This kind of nonsense had to end.  So what could be done to change it?  Your guess is as good as mine.  However, I'm gonna tell you what I think, feel, in the pit of my stomach and deep, deep in my heart.  These are my thoughts, so please allow me to have them.

Michael loved children. He loved people. He loved the planet.  In order to get to him, they had to ge at him where he loved most.  And where was that.  The whole world by now knows the answer to that question.  Children.  Make it so he would NEVER be able to visit children in hospitals, never be able to offer them a place to enjoy childhood freely again, never be able to touch or hug a child in public, never be able to say without speculation and words taken out of context, that he loved children more than anything else in the world, never be seen as an advocate for those he relished as the eyes of God again.  Get Michael Jackson where it hurts most by any means necessary, but make it personal and embarrassing and emotionally debilitating.  Give him a Judas in his home and make it nasty.  How?  You purposely brainwash and persuade a child, one whom he had opened his home to, taken into his care, trusted, nurtured, and you perpetuate a plan to mount  the most horrific deception imaginable upon him through that child.  How sinister and cruel.  How betrayed Michael Jackson had to be.  Nothing and I do mean nothing, could have possibly hurt him more.

I believe that Michael Jackson's destruction had been in the making a long time before the actual deed was done.  And I believe it was all for hate, envy and greed.  Three deadly sins all perpetrated against Michael Jackson for reasons that I will not openly state as it is only, at this stage of the game, mere yet real speculation.  However, if there is such a thing as justice in this world, it will all be revealed in time.  I only pray that I live to see the day when all the kings men go down. God is good.

I also believe that after the trials of 2005 that Michael was changed.  Why in God's name would he ever want to perform again to an audience of many who though vindicated, saw him still as guilty and associated him with sinister alliances and ulterior motives?  Why would he continue to line the pockets of an empire who maliciously sought to bring him down and turned their backs on him when his life stood in peril?  He had shown the world that money was not his main focus for performing night after night; month after month.  He did it because he loved performing yes, but mainly because it allowed him to be able to give by the millions to those he loved most.  Now, his purpose had been virtually destroyed.    Martin Bashir was the vehicle used to begin the cycle.  The rest is history.  They took Michael's credibility away, made him a criminal in the eyes of many, and broke Michael's spirit.  His eyes took on  sadness I had never seen.  Even though he won in court, in life, he lost.  His love for children would be forever scrutinized and looked upon with dissecting, probing eyes.  Our Michael Jackson, whom we love unconditionally, would never be the same.  That Michael Jackson had been murdered in the courtroom and the media buried him alive.  We lost. The children lost.  The world lost.  And most of all, Michael Jackson lost.

How freakin appropriate for the fledging criminal!  Did he not say himself that if he could no longer be loved and do things for children that he might as well be dead?  Why not make it appear that he was in that frame of mind and did in fact start on that downward spiral with drugs until finally at the end he medicated himself to death.  (Though he had a little help at the end with Conrad Murray)  But supposedly, that was an incidental, rather "accidental" coincidence.

It is quite obvious to me that the LA court system in the Hollywood arena of glitz and glam, has made it a rule rather than an exception, to look the other way when a person in high visibility in the performance arts is murdered with drugs as the underlying culprit, to find just cause to dismiss medical doctors of any wrong doing.  It has happened over and over again.  It seems they tend to look the other way and let these predators continue to get away with murder.  We cannot allow this to happen with Michael... or can we?  What can we do?  We can advocate.  We can send letters.  We can protest.  We can pray.  There are many things we can do, but what we cannot do is just let this "go away" and let them get away.  Michael Jackson was murdered.  It was pre meditated and it was planned a long time ago.

I am only one voice and this is just my heart speaking.  If you have thoughts, go on a posting mission.  Just let them know that we know, that we are watching, and we will NOT look the other way or be silent.

Michael, I love you too much to sit silently and accept what I see happening right before my eyes.  I will be a voice for you.  I might not be heard, but I'm talking.  I will be always on the side of truth and what is right.  By your example you taught me that. You spoke.   I heard. And I pray the world is also listening.

I will always love you more.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

In All of My Life I've Never Been So Ashamed

I don't know how to put into words what my heart is feeling.  All I know for sure is that in my heart there is a huge void and a lot of pain; and both of these are constant and relentless.  Since June 25, 2009, I have come to see my country through a completely different set of eyes, or at least it's judicial process.  When this day came to pass, this June 25, 2009, I had no question that a speedy remedy to these events was sure to take place.  How could it not?  After all, we were talking about the unforgivable crime of murder against America's most beloved son.  Or was I seeing something that America did not see?  I could never have been convinced that after nearly 16 months,  still nothing would have even began to be in resolution.  Nothing!  I am an American.  I believed that truth and justice through a judicial process was the birth right of all of this country's governed citizens.  Was I mistaken?  Is it all a myth under which we have all been shrouded; a false reality, a half truth? I hope and yes, I pray, that there will be a true justice in Michael Jackson's untimely death and that the judicial process will work on behalf of this man who gave his whole life so that millions if not billions of people could learn to love each other and the world of which they are, we are, all an integral part.  Too much of nothing is still too little of anything.  For Michael Jackson's rights and those of his children and his family, America, please stop wasting time and do something.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

#MessageToMJ - Happy 52nd Birthday Angel

What I love about “MY” Michael Jackson. I love you inside out and outside in. Yes indeed, I love the way you danced into my heart, your expression, the involuntarily pout of those perfectly formed lips. I love your voice, the music, your style, your smile, your passion. I love, love, love all of those things. But what I cherish, what stands out most for me and melts my heart rendering me captive like a butterfly is the compassion, the love, the sincerity that shone in your eyes and the graceful beauty of your majestic hands. Yes Michael, when I say I love you, it has no carnal stigma attached to it, no lust. It is simple and pure and honest and from my heart. It’s ageless and boundless and goes beyond reason. It’s only love, and love is all that is required. I could love you from a distance for the rest of my life without you ever knowing or whispering my name. That is how I love you, that is MY “I love you”.

The planet cries your tears. The wind whispers your name. The earth moves to the melody, the rhythm of your heartbeat. And my heart breaks a little more each day without you. Angel, by definition: A typically benevolent celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth; One who manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know who that describes.

Happy birthday Michael Jackson. On earth as it is in heaven, I honor you and celebrate all the gifts you left behind. Wish you were here. Oh! But you are…Always in my heart.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is it just another day...?

Thursday, February 25, 2010. One moment in time can change history. Yesterday it was 7 months, today it is 8. Eight months since the passing of Michael Jackson. Eight months since my life and the lives of billions changed forever. Is he disappearing from the minds and our hearts? Is he becoming just another statistic? Just another unsolved mystery? Where is the energy? Has it all gone away? Please do not allow Michael's death to go unpunished. Please do not let them make his life and his death an example of the way justice should NOT be rendered. He deserves so much more. Justice and vindication for Michael. Let your voices be heard. We must speak out on his behalf because his voice was silenced long before the real story was told.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Just One Truth, Just one for Michael

Is there anyone out there willing to tell the truth? Just one person who will stand up for Michael Jackson? Please come. There have been too many lies... too many rumors... too many theories. It is time we heard FACTS. If you were there, be his voice. He was ours for over 40 years. It's time we spoke up to save him. The system is trying to fool us again. We cannot let his death go unpunished. I am begging you. If you were there. This is the LAST chance to show him we care. If you KNOW something. Please let your TRUTH be heard. Remember his words. It's all for love.