Wednesday, October 24, 2012

To Debbie, with love

It wasn’t until I watched this video a couple of years ago that I learned what an incredible, amazing woman you were.  Immediately, my heart changed and I knew that if ever Michael had a true soul mate, one who would stand by him and fight for him, love him unconditionally and be content to accept that to love him in his way was good enough, that soul mate was you, the mother of his children.  I wish I could one day just sit and talk to you.  There was a glow in your eyes and a warmth that came over you that could not be denied as you talked about him and his goodness.  Anyone who watched it could see the love, l.o.v.e.  And it broke my heart that the world did not because it didn’t know how to allow you to continue to share that love.  It is a travesty.

It seems to me so unfair and so inhumane that someone with the heart of Michael Jackson would live his last days and breathe his last breath alone and lonely, hooked to a machine that would suck the life out of him.  It is not right and my heart cannot settle in knowing that.  He deserved so much more.  I ask God everyday to show me the message in it all, and what I’ve learned to accept though stubbornly, is that Michael’s death was the catalyst that released love into the world.  It seems that in order for his vision to be seen, his message to be heard, he had to physically die.  Unfair as it seems, if it be God’s will then I have to accept it.  And that’s what keeps me sane.

I know you must have so many loving memories, your little secrets.  But I would give the world to just sit and listen and imagine what it would be like to know the kind of love you shared with the most sought after human being in the world.  I’ve never known a love like that and I’m sure at this juncture in my life that I never will.  But it warms me so much to have been made a party to the conversations you shared in this interview.

So to you, Debbie Rowe, I say God Bless you for giving Michael some sense of normalcy and for giving him 2 of his 3 most treasured gifts, Prince and Paris; and the one thing that seemed to have escaped him most of his adult life, true, unselfish love.  It made my heart sing to know finally that Michael had known that kind of grown folk love given 100% by a normal, no nonsense, working class REAL woman.  HELLO!  Haters eat your hearts out, lol!

Thank you Debbie, from the bottom of my heart.  I love you because you loved him and you’re not afraid to show it.  Way to go, Debbie.  Way to go!

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