Monday, December 17, 2012

Something I must say today - revised

This has been one of the hardest weekends I have experienced in my lifetime.  The horrendous slaughter of 20 innocent 6 and 7 year olds and the 6 adults (teachers, staff & the principal) has broken me emotionally and spiritually.  God Bless the victims and the survivors.  May they be protected in heaven and on earth.  This was not God’s will.  As I’ve always said, and as was the crux of the services at my own son’s funeral, God gives us choices.  He cannot and should not be blamed for every human tragedy.  We as humans living as a species with the ability to choose must accept some of the blame most of the time.

I have heard that this perpetrator (I will not further validate him by even mentioning his name) in the SandyHook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut was “mentally ill”.  He was autistic.  But is that to blame for his senseless violence?  It might have been a small pre-cursor, but I tend to believe not the reason at the core.

What else do we know about this young man and his life and his family relationship?  He was living at home with his mother, though he had somehow gotten hold to his older brother’s identification which would implicate him in these murders.  His older brother was not living there.  What was his relationship with his older brother to for him to orchestrate a mass murder and use his brother’s ID? Was he bullied? Ostracized?  Did he feel insignificant?  Invisible?  These are some of the questions I ask myself.  Why would wake up, kill his mother, take arms & transportation…and his brother’s identification before heading to SandyHook?  Why shoot your mother 4 times in the head and then shoot tiny innocent bodies multiple times with a high powered weapon?  I am no psychiatrist, but something in the back of my mind tells me that this young man was more angry than ill and determined to be seen and validated and remembered by any means necessary.  Perhaps he felt he deserved more than he was given from society.  His mother certainly had means and was well respected.  Perhaps he felt he too deserved to have some of that same acceptance and respect.  Maybe he resented being pulled out of school feeling it an unforgivable embarrassment.  Will we ever know?  It is obvious that he never intended for us to know as it has been discovered that he purposely tried to destroy his computer hard drive.  I guess he’s never seen Criminal Minds or Numbers or CSI or any number of those shows.  If it’s there, somebody will find it.

I have read and watched on the news people saying over and over that gun control will not stop those who are already wired to blow.  I disagree.  Maybe we can’t stop it but we don’t have to provide them the ability to legally purchase weapons of mass destruction to do it with.  If this young man had not had access to powerful arms, the numbers would not have been so high and the wounds not so prolific.  There is no need for people to to possess ammunition and weapons more powerful than those used in the military in their own homes.  It’s madness! We have witnessed over and over what putting these kinds of weapons in the hands of a madman can do.  It gives a narcissist a sense of empowerment knowing that he is now able to commit tyranny.  His main objectives:  You will see me. You will remember me.  You will know my name long after I’m gone.  And you will suffer for the rest of your lives for having not embraced me into your perfect worlds.  Insanity?  Possibly.  But it reeks of a desire to empower others who cannot fight back.  Empowered to go out in what they perceive a blaze of glory.

It is obvious that when a person has reached that breaking point out of desperation or frustration or any deluded sense of entitlement, he is ready and willing to die for it.  It no longer matters to him what people think or feel or how much pain his actions will inflict upon the living, only that his actions guarantees that he leaves behind a legacy.  The more innocent the victims, the greater would be the outrage and outcries of society. And in that vein, he knows in advance of his actions that more will be written and reported and at last everybody will be talking about the boy no one paid any or little attention before. And that sadly is his only purpose.  Don’t give him that notoriety.  Don’t remember his name.  Don’t give make him a legend.  He is a killer.  He is dead.  Remember the victims and those left behind. He doesn’t win, even in death.

For those reasons and  I am sure many others I have failed to mention, I feel there is an urgency for this country to be on heightened alert.  There are many people who find glory in violence.  Who knows from where the next murderer will emerge; but on what school or heaven forbid daycare center or hospital nursery, will be the next target.  Video game violence, on the big screens, on computers all across this country, is giving rise to an anti-social class of people who spend all their time alone, disassociated with other people, devoid of social skills, studying the tactics, the moves, the dynamics of winning by the process of elimination.  The object of the win is the higher the kill, the stronger your game piece becomes, and the more points you earn become.  Some of these games go on for days.

And so, these are my final thoughts  As parents, we must be vigilante and not allow any forms of violence to consume our children’s minds and their time. It kills their creativity, dulls their compassion, and renders them sometimes as outcasts.  Instead we should be teaching our children at an early age that there are real consequences to their actions, that there are positive ways to cope with stress, that they were born as a creative beings, and that they matter.  If one is not creating, he is destroying.  Don’t allow them to sulk in total isolation, locked away from society yet entertained by around the clock by violence in any form.  If not, well…the results speak for themselves.

Let us begin the conversations in our homes, in our schools, in our churches and synagogues, anywhere and everywhere people, families, congregate for good.  It’s up to us! We have the power as a people to turn this around.  But as is the old saying, it takes a village.

God Bless the families of children at SandyHook Elementary School; and the community and world surrounding them.  We love you and you are in or prayers.

Never forget their faces.  Never forget their names.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

God bless the children

Yesterday I sat with my eyes glued to the television and all the media coverage of the senseless school shootings and asked myself why.  I had to re-visit some horrible things that have happened to me personally in my life and wonder how long are we as citizens and human beings going to allow these kinds of tragedies to continue before we stand up and do something.  We have seen through all these incidents of hate filled murders that our government is shuffling their feet and making one excuse after the other but doing little to nothing to end these tragedies.  So what’s next? Who’s child will be strategically put in harm’s way down the road?  Because there will be a next time and another and another until we get a backbone and form a protective shield around them. We must become proactive.  If anything matters to us more than the safety of our children then what?  It has become unsafe to walk in this country, to live in our homes, and even to sit in church and unspeakably  for or children to sit in a school that should be a safe place to learn and grow and make friends.  What can we do?  For those already victims, not much.  Prayer is all I can offer now and in a way even that seems not enough.  We are on a Michael Jackson board, a man who was willing to slit his wrists for the right care and love of children.  I think Michael said it all when he said that we must show compassion, we must make people who are for what ever reason ostracized by society or family feel that their lives are of value.  And that includes our family members and other people we have come to know.  People don’t just wake up and say I’m going to kill some children today.  There were signs somewhere that somebody saw and knew about.  We must start to have those life saving conversations behind our doors and embrace our issues amongst our families, our co-workers, our friends so they don’t go out and take out their hostilities on innocent peoples.  Then we must march to our capitals and state offices and demand those officials we’ve voted into office give us the protections we’ve been promised.  There is no more time to wait and we have no more lives to give.  God Bless those 20 children who became the victims yesterday, the 7 adults and those families who today must be in shock, losing their minds, asking why, in pain, and feeling a loss for which they cannot be consoled.  This must change.  This must change.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Happy birthday Raphael, my Angel

To my son, Raphael, who would have celebrated another birthday today, I miss and love you more.  And to all the Angels in our lives who protect us & walk with us, side by side, I remember you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

At the end of the day, this journey is all about love

Thanks to the beautiful human being who created this video, The KINGdom52.  It says everything I feel in my heart perfectly.  Simply divine!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Reflections of days gone by

Today has been one of “those” days.
Missing my angels, one and all
Always a heartbeat away

Sunday, November 25, 2012

It has been 41 Months . . .

When the night has been too lonely
and the road has been too long 
and you think that love is only
for the lucky & the strong  
Just remember in the winter 
far beneath the bitter snows, 
lies the seed that when the sun LOVES 
in the spring becomes a Rose

...and I still love you more

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I will always love you. What more need I say...

Always remember & never forget Michael’s first love, the children.

Michael’s Heart Will Go On...

As I close this chapter in my life, I end it on a bitter sweet note.  I have loved Michael it seems all my life.  I will not stop loving him now or ever.  As long as I live, he will always be a part of me.  His heart beats inside all of us who love him so it will never cease to be.  I will die, we all will, but even as we depart this thing called life, brand new life is breathed and Michael’s legacy passes down from generation to generation. He will live forever in the hearts of the universe.

This is my last entry here, but not my last musing about Michael Jackson.  Sometimes spoken words are not required.  It’s simply understood.

Michael J. Jackson is the truest love I never knew because he proved over and over again, through word & deed, that he loved us more, and that kind of love is only once in a lifetime.

Good night, Angel
Sleep well
Forever speechless, Cassie

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Michael & Blanket side by side.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just feeling a little down today

So I looked for a poem that expressed to some extent what I’m feeling.  There has been too much suffering and too much death in this world of late.  God is trying to tell us something…

Whenever I think of suffering and the death of one who’s gone too soon, I think of this poem by Joanna Fuchs.  I think many would agree that when that person we think of is Michael, something to the following affect comes to mind.

If We Could Bring You Back Again
If we could bring you back again,
For one more hour or day,
We’d express all our unspoken love;
We’d have countless things to say.
If we could bring you back again,
We’d say we treasured you,
And that your presence in our lives
Meant more than we ever knew.
If we could bring you back again,
To tell you what we should,
You’d know how much we miss you now,
And if we could, we would.

Missing my angels…Raphael & Michael

Thursday, October 25, 2012

40 months today...

Sometimes it feels like 40 years…

Michael, I miss you and I’ll always love you more

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

To Debbie, with love

It wasn’t until I watched this video a couple of years ago that I learned what an incredible, amazing woman you were.  Immediately, my heart changed and I knew that if ever Michael had a true soul mate, one who would stand by him and fight for him, love him unconditionally and be content to accept that to love him in his way was good enough, that soul mate was you, the mother of his children.  I wish I could one day just sit and talk to you.  There was a glow in your eyes and a warmth that came over you that could not be denied as you talked about him and his goodness.  Anyone who watched it could see the love, l.o.v.e.  And it broke my heart that the world did not because it didn’t know how to allow you to continue to share that love.  It is a travesty.

It seems to me so unfair and so inhumane that someone with the heart of Michael Jackson would live his last days and breathe his last breath alone and lonely, hooked to a machine that would suck the life out of him.  It is not right and my heart cannot settle in knowing that.  He deserved so much more.  I ask God everyday to show me the message in it all, and what I’ve learned to accept though stubbornly, is that Michael’s death was the catalyst that released love into the world.  It seems that in order for his vision to be seen, his message to be heard, he had to physically die.  Unfair as it seems, if it be God’s will then I have to accept it.  And that’s what keeps me sane.

I know you must have so many loving memories, your little secrets.  But I would give the world to just sit and listen and imagine what it would be like to know the kind of love you shared with the most sought after human being in the world.  I’ve never known a love like that and I’m sure at this juncture in my life that I never will.  But it warms me so much to have been made a party to the conversations you shared in this interview.

So to you, Debbie Rowe, I say God Bless you for giving Michael some sense of normalcy and for giving him 2 of his 3 most treasured gifts, Prince and Paris; and the one thing that seemed to have escaped him most of his adult life, true, unselfish love.  It made my heart sing to know finally that Michael had known that kind of grown folk love given 100% by a normal, no nonsense, working class REAL woman.  HELLO!  Haters eat your hearts out, lol!

Thank you Debbie, from the bottom of my heart.  I love you because you loved him and you’re not afraid to show it.  Way to go, Debbie.  Way to go!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thinking out loud

I miss Michael. I miss him so very much.

I cannot help but feel that Michael was sent to us for a purpose.  I cannot make any sense of the things he had to endure and still show such compassion and humility towards all of his oppressors.  It was never changing, no matter what tactics used against him.

From my experience, all he ever tried to teach us was to love the planet and children and each other.  He didn’t spew venom against any religion, political or social affiliation, nothing that in my eyes would make him a target for ridicule.  The only time he actually spoke out was when SONY wronged him after all the freaking millions he had made for them, and even that was not done in a selfish tone.  He spoke up for ALL artists.  That’s the way he was.

There was certainly more to Michael than could be seen on the surface and somehow it feels that he was persecuted because he was loving and loved by so many people; nothing more and nothing less.  Yes, he had wealth unimaginable, but he wasn’t selfish with it.  Money mattered largely for the good he was afforded to do for others by having it.  He apparently gave more of it away than anyone else in the industry ever did.  But his giving didn’t stop with money and tangible things.  He gave his time, his heart, all of his creative ability to others to give them some joy and normalcy, making their lives on this planet meaningful, and that is what seems to me that people who were greedy and envious couldn’t stand even to the point of thinking he didn’t deserve to have it. So sad to know that all of his hard work for all of his life was looked at so shallowly.

It even appeared that they thought Michael was stupid and ridiculous and too eccentric to be so revered by the millions.  But he proved beyond any shadow of the doubt to be bigger and better than any of them by simply remaining humble and beautiful, inside out.   And that apparently was the greater insult to those who wanted him to break.

I cannot help but see the parallel to his life and that of Jesus.  No, I do not think he is Jesus.  But I do believe that he was one of His sheep, an earthbound angel, chosen to do exactly what he did.  And he did it well.  God Bless Michael Jackson.  You changed the positive energy of the world by just being here and being you.  I am so glad to have made the connection and to have felt the love.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Masterpiece...

I’M SO BLUE…………….

Thursday, October 18, 2012

He should’ve been loved….

…like the real Peter Pan that he was.  To die would be an awfully great adventure… Fly away home.

Forever Michael

Monday, October 15, 2012

Michael’s Guidance into the New World - I’m Ready

Some of these words could have come straight out of Michael’s mouth.  It warms my heart to even think about an earth in this dimension and can see it almost coming alive right in front of my eyes when I witness the abundance of kind deeds now being done in the name of humanity and compassion for others.  It’s a simple yet complicated premise that one is given to choose himself.  He can either grasp it or push it away, but the option remains available to all of us.  I do believe that Michael has been living and vibrating at this frequency for a long time.  I do believe that he gave us the tools to work or ways to achieve the same level.  But to do something different, to forego the norm, isn’t as easy as it sounds and take work and determination.  If the majority of people took a conscious stand to simply try living a life full of spirit and light and refuse to allow the negatives to keep us at lower 4th dimension and upper 3rd, we could make this planet a more perfect place to live.  Michael said we have four years.  Obviously he knew that the world was changing and he didn’t want his fans to be left behind.  So he gave us the tools needed to make that change.  Though he isn’t here to stand with us toe to toe, I am sure that he sees the abundance of love in the world hat has followed his passing.  He surely was the catalyst and the agent of that change. Compassion for others and for all of earth’s creatures has taken center stage in all walks of life.  Heal the world.  Michael, we were listening and we heard your cries.

I have decided to retire this year on the mere pittance of benefits 30 years of work for state government in a social services agency has afforded me.  But I am doing so with a serene outlook.  I am not materialistic.  Never have been.  I have not money saved up to carry me over and beyond the necessities of living day to day.  I will have life insurance that will cover my burial, and a monthly allotment that will get me from month to month will little left over.  But what I will have is peace of mind and more mobility to move and do the things that warms my heart.  I thank Michael Jackson for that.  I have learned over the course of these three and nearly one half years that life is not promised beyond now.  We can wait and wait for what we perceive to be our futures and miss all the beauty in between by holding out for the promise of tomorrow.  I don’t know what tomorrow will bring or if it will even come so I am stepping out on faith that I can do this and it is causing me zero anxiety.  I just want to live the rest of my life doing things that makes my heart sing, like going to a hospital and sitting with the sick and dying, young or old, reading to them, brushing their hair.  I want to hold tiny babies whose lives depend on connecting to the warmth and closeness of another human being. I want to visit Neverland (saved for that one).  And I want to meet people who feel the same way that I do about life.  There is no dollar value great enough or no job important enough to keep me held hostage and impede me from doing the simple things that are my heart’s desire.  I want to meet people who love Michael Jackson and sit and talk for a spell, listen to his music all day, or simply tell them I love them.  Most of the things that bring me joy  are simple and free.  I am ready to do them.  Now. Thank you, Michael Jackson for guiding my steps.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Perhaps they’ll listen now...

Dr. Wayne Dwyer's interview done in 2009 following Michael’s death, and an epilogue in song by his beautiful daughter that is so fitting for now, then and forever…perhaps they’ll listen now…

Monday, September 3, 2012

As long as this drama continues, I can’t leave

..too many stones unturned.  Too many discrepancies being uncovered.  Too many people willing to accept what the big whigs say at face value. Not enough listening, hearing & remembering Michael Jackson’s own words. I never thought the day would come when Michael’s fans became other than.  I just never could foresee that.  Michael’s fans were staunch supporters who rallied behind and for his causes.  Michael’s fans would not listen to the ramblings of media trash. Michael’s fans stood up for him when everyone else tried to take him down and made sure the world knew he was not guilty.  Michael’s fans… many are not Michael’s fans anymore but fans of the machine that i personally feel stood behind and orchestrated and executed his demise.  What manner of madness is this that I see?  Do you remember the time when… our ONLY allegiance was to Michael?  I do.

Now comes the reports of wills and business plans being singed that holds discrepancies that are blatant.  Now come the revelations of liars forgetting their lines and missing their marks and one pointing fingers at the others.  Now comes a family that once stood privately together but now publicly divided. Now comes the villains who are able to pit Michael’s fans against one another to stand with them, ignoring Michael and breaking the chain at its weakest point.  There is strength in numbers.  Look at how firm we stood against making sure Conrad Murray’s crimes did not go unpunished.  Look at how we changed the heading in news articles when they refused to call Michael by his proper name or spewed venomous lies. Look at how we disabled telecasts from being broadcast nation wide, even worldwide because they threw a less than positive light on our most brilliant star.  We stood strong, as a united front and we made things happen.  But why now, when it matters most, when more than ever before is at stake are we so divided and powerless?  Why now?  Are we so willing to allow Michael’s death to go unpunished for the most part, because Conrad Murray doing a mere 4 years just isn’t enough?  This is Michael Jackson.  If there are unanswered questions, unethical undertakings in discovery, why are we not standing just as strong or stronger to get ALL the answers?  Why?  Are “things” and “toys” offered up in Michael’s name more important than he was?  Is being accepted or allowed to be a part of the machine that in my opinion assisted heavily in taking Michael from us, of more worth than his life was?  I just don’t get it.  It wasn’t Michael’s things, or what he gave us in the form of music, dance and entertainment that kept me loving him.  Those of course were magical.  But it was his suffering silently that made me keep a close watch on what he suffered with in his life.  It was his willingness to forgive, his ability to overcome and do it gracefully even when you could see the strain upon him.  It was his love for us and his belief that we gave him strength to endure.  We, the fans, gave him the willingness, the courage to persevere in the face of so much pain and deception.  He loved us like that.  He loved US more than who we were or what we had or any social challenges we were faced with.  Now, I feel it is my duty in honoring him and giving back that love, to stand up and say that some things are not right.  I will never, ever put anyone else’ agenda ahead of Michael Jackson.  If I never get another song, or dance with Michael’s name and image attached to it, it matters not so long as I know that he is not being exploited and pursuits are not gained off of his blood and sacrifice.  There are players in this game who need to be disqualified.  Until they are, I will not rest.

God bless Michael Jackson.  From my heart to yours, MJ, I am all for you and doing what I believe is right and just to honor you and your legacy.  Wipe the slate clean. Get rid of all the dirty underhanded crooks that have turned the world upside down and inside out and living large under a false premise that they believe to be undetectable.  They live.  You don’t. Now we are left with articles such as these that spells collusion and dishonor.  Something in that equation doesn’t mesh.  I smell rats in the cellar and they stank.  Time to exterminate.

Michael Jackson: London concert promoters expressed concerns in emails

Tags: News
Promoters of Michael Jackson’s planned 2009 comeback described in emails how they feared for the megastar’s stability, saying he was out of shape and consumed with self-doubt.
The Los Angeles Times obtained some 250 pages of messages, most between executives at Anschutz Entertainment Group, which was financing the ill-fated “This Is It” concerts set for London. Some of the emails indicated that executives were concerned that Jackson’s planned 50-show stand at AEG’s 02 Arena would be an expensive bust.
In one exchange AEG’s Randy Phillips wrote his boss that Jackson was “an emotionally paralyzed mess.” Phillips was writing from Jackson’s London hotel suite just hours before a press conference announcing the concert run.
“MJ is locked in his room drunk and despondent,” Phillips said in an email to AEG President Tim Leiweke. “I (am) trying to sober him up.”
In the end, the emails show, Phillips and Jackson’s manager had to dress the pop star, theTimes said.
“He is scared to death,” Phillips wrote to Leiweke.
Jackson arrived 90 minutes late for the press conference and made brief remarks that some of the 350 reporters described as odd and disjointed.
In an interview with the newspaper, AEG’s attorney Marvin Putnam suggested Phillips had exaggerated in his emails and said Jackson’s behavior appeared to be a case of “nerves.”
The Times said the messages will probably play a key role in two lawsuits set for trial next year. The shows’ insurers are asking a judge to nullify a $17.5-million policy that they say AEG got with false claims about Jackson’s health and readiness to perform. And Jackson’s heirs filed a wrongful-death suit that accuses the entertainment giant of pressuring the singer to carry on with a comeback despite indications he was too weak.
Lawyers for AEG, which has denied any wrongdoing, told the Times most of the correspondence was produced as discovery in ongoing litigation. They said the messages reviewed by the newspaper were incomplete and leaked to portray the company in a negative light. The lawyers declined to provide additional emails that they said would give a fuller picture, citing a protective order imposed by a judge in the civil litigation.
Numerous emails show Lloyd’s of London unsuccessfully pushing for access to five years of Jackson’s medical records in order to expand insurance coverage for the concerts.
The insurer also wanted the singer to undergo a four-hour medical exam that would include three doctors, heart monitoring and blood work. AEG’s insurance broker tried to persuade Lloyd’s to drop the physical, according to the email discussions. AEG suggested that Jackson’s physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, could give an oral recitation of Jackson’s recent medical history instead, the Times reported. Lloyd’s refused.
A Lloyd’s underwriter wrote that repeated requests for written records and details about Jackson’s daily fitness program were met “always with no response.”
Murray responded to the last of the requests June 25 at Jackson’s Southern California home, according to emails presented at the doctor’s criminal trial. He wrote that he had talked to Jackson and “Authorization was denied.”
Jackson died less than an hour later, according to a timeline Murray gave investigators.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy 54th Birthday…How I wish you were here

Love Lives Forever
michael jackson love lives forever pictures

On what would have been the 54th birthday of my hero,  Michael Jackson, I send my love to the heavens above with an unmoving faith that he will receive it into his heart and know that he is now, then and forever more remembered and cherished by millions of people all over the world.  He lives forever and will never die because we keep him lifted.   We are his and he will always be ours.  We still cry on earth but I know that there are no more tears in heaven because Michael is there and Michael loved to smile...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Beautiful, Simply beautiful

This is the most beautiful commentary on Michael Jackson that I’ve ever seen.  It describes the real Michael Jackson, that angel of a human being, the one who gave his heart, his childhood away so that we could experience that which he was never allowed to know.  There will never be anyone like him again.  He was the one and ONLY.

I love and miss him so...

Can I vent for just a minute on MY OWN blog?

Posted: 8/2/2012 - 1 comment(s) [ Comment ] - 0 trackback(s) [ Trackback ]
Being that his message was removed from another forum for content, I am re-posting here for safe keeping in my own blog.  Sometimes people have different views.  That doesn't mean their views are irrelevant.  That's life so I wish people would learn to just deal with it and move on. 
And now that it has come up and is so out front, I cannot contain myself any longer.  I know what I am about to say will probably lose me some friends.  So be it.I love you still. But I have to speak what my heart tells me.  I have never and probably never will be on the Estate Executors list of staunch supporters because I feel they aspired to cheat Michael out of what is rightfully his or in the least became a part of the machine that did.

It pains me so deeply even after more than three years to harbor still the feelings that these men came into Michael's life at a time when he was most vulnerable and under enormous pressure and stress to perform according to Thome's & AEG's contract.  In my small world,  these 2 men who were thought at one time to be friends to Michael joins with the list of others "just passing through" at an opportune time who turned out to be just another of the ghosts in a never ending nightmare.  I guess you wonder why I feel so strongly about this; and my answer points directly to 0-2 and the AEG contract  and Michael's anguish over them.  It is still in the forefront of my mind.

So how does AEG and Branca/McClain come together?  I will do my best to explain.  In order to do that I must go directly to Branca & McClain and back to 2003 when Michael relieved them of their services, lock-stock-and barrel;  at which time demanding that all his documents, papers, etc. be returned to him placing them under suspicion & subsequent proof of mismanaging and embezzling funds in cahoots with SONY for personal gain.  Add to that the infamous Will, which by now everyone knows  was one of the things that was never returned at this dissolve and is currently under suspicion of being fraudulent by some family members.  For Branca & McClain I call that a "convenient" windfall.  Then of course there is Tohme Tohme (Michael's advisor) and Dennis Hawk (Michael's attorney during this process) working more against Michael than for him - in collusion with Michael's oppressors, namely AEG.   Both Hawk & Tohme seemed to be working more for AEG than for Michael Jackson; setting him up for complete failure and total dependence on them for any and everything yet handsomely allotting for payment to  themselves out of the mere pittance that was to be Michael's piece of the pie leaving him with virtually nothing but crumbs.  The sheer volume of bull I saw in that proposed contract was enough to make me sick to my stomach, much of which I believe was unbeknownst to Michael beforehand.  Now that Michael is no longer here to speak for himself 2 of these people are now governing his estate, his fortune, and his children's futures under questionable circumstances.  And BTW just where in the world is Tohme Tohme? Who knows...  Many believe Thome was a good guy.  I guess I'm blinded by that $100,000 Tohme was advanced against Michael's potential future earnings for his personal company in this deal. 
The AEG contract in my eyes was trash!  It made Michael a puppet to them for the rest of his life.  He was backed against a wall.  Both the attorney and personal assistant hired to look after the best interest of Michael Jackson in fanagling deals and keeping him from falling into legal loopholes and financial booby traps certainly did Michael Jackson a fatal disservice.  So in just one week prior to Michael's final demise comes the knight on the white horse to save the day.  Or was he the headless horseman on the black horse whom Michael had vowed to never bring back into his life neither personally or as a business associate?  You tell me.  Whose day did he really save?   After pondering over and trying to understand all the mumble jumble in the conflicting financial reports that have been submitted in the name of executing the Estate of Michael jackson for the benfit of his mother and his three minor children, I tend to wonder.  But hey, I'm no acountant.  Perhaps you can figure it out better than I can.  I guess I just never forget what Michael told us.  It sticks in the memory banks of my mind forever. 
I will give credit where credit's due though.  Branca has made some strides.  Yes John Branca and John McClain (does the latter really really exist, lol) have done a fantastic job of pitting Michael's beloved fans against each other in an out and out war.  Yes, it appears they have made a fair amount of lucrative deals to keep those same fans appeased furthering the battle of wits.  Some praise and put them on a pedastale.  Others denounce them, hanging them on the wall of shame. I guess I stand somewhere in the middle of that turf war, because sometimes we have to accept the good with the bad.  They are who they are & for now, that's all we've got.  Yes, they have enough clout and finesse to put blinders on the eyes of the justice system, from the jury poolers to the judges and they have definitley shown their ability to "impress and bedazzle" the public .  And finally, sadly yes, they have even succeeded in putting a strong rift in Michael's family.  The latter od which I find depressing and a little bit dispicable.  But what they haven't been able to do and never will is appease and quiet the doubting Thomases of which I am and certainly will always be.  I don't know what will happen in the future but I hope that what ever happens, Michael's children will be equipped with what ever they need down the road to handle what ever needs handling.  From what I've witnessed so far, I don't think there's much doubt that they will.

So for now, the drama continues and the band plays on until the fat lady really does sing.  When ever that happens, I hope I'm alive to see it.  I believe there will be cloaked demons whose faces will finally come from behind the masks and who will fall like dominoes.  It might not be in my lifetime, but even in death, I know that I will be celebrating the victory... with Michael Jackson... and we will dance .

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dear Michael, as long as I live you have all of me

There will be those occasions when the pain of it all will wash over me and I’ll still cry.  Never before and never again will anyone’s passing ever affect me more than the untimely passing of Michael Jackson.  In my eyes, he was immortal, forever.  He should never have gone before me.  It simply was not his time.  God sees all and he knows all, especially the heart.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.

He has seen the error of man’s ways and has given us another chance for love.  Through all the gifts that Michael left for us, though his physical presence on the plant has been taken, his essence will live on forever.  He is immortal.

And Michael, you still have all of me…

All of me.

And I and the world will always love you more, more, most

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Michael’s prayer

The most important thing in Michael Jackson’s life was his compassion for children.  The 3rd year anniversary of his death has come and gone.  The flowers have been laid beautifully and the fans who made the pilgrimages to honor him are back to their day to day living.  As unfair as it seems many time, life goes on.  So as I get back to what I must do to survive and provide for my family I must leave something here that truly depicts what Michael Jackson was about, where his heart and soul was.  I searched for videos and so many were there to choose from, and decided that this one which is fan made fit perfectly.

No matter what some might feel about Michael Jackson, it cannot be disputed that he was the world’s greatest advocate for children.  He loved them with all the compassion he had inside him.  So for him and his legacy to the children of the world, this is my prayer.  Rest in peace Michael.  God will never leave you, never hurt you, and will always know your heart better than anyone did.  You graced us with your beautiful presence for 50 years.  Now we have eternity to remember all that you left behind.  I will never forget you. You are forever, always in my heart.  If I could be granted one wish, have only one prayer answered, that prayer would be for you to be free to be.  Answered...


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

3years - The Finale

Year 3

I have made it on this planet without Michael’s physical presence for three long years. Never could’ve made it without my friends on all the forums and websites dedicated to Michael because I have very few people in my life who adore him the way that I do.  Friends without faces, only loving hearts, have sustained me.  Thank you for being here for people like me.  

As I look back over these years, I am reminded of a line from the movie Sparkle, as she asked the poignant question of Stix: “Can you imagine how it feels to not know if you can live through another second?  Well I got through the seconds, the minutes, the hours…” and now it has turned into 3 years.  If I have ever had reason to question does God ever give us more than we can bear; that question is no longer relevant. I know unequivocally, beyond a shadow of any reasonable doubt that He does not. I have lived 3 years without a man who broke all barriers in winning over more hearts than any other human being who ever lived.  My heart is in there. His death took my breath away.  I could not eat.  I could not sleep.  And I truly believed that my heart was beyond repair.  Time held no meaning because my every waking hour was spent with visions of him in high definition in the recesses and in the forefront of my tortured mind.  Whether my eyes were open or shut, he was always there.  

For me as with so many of us who never thought we’d being living in a world without the energy of Michael Jackson’s heartbeat, this journey has been long and hard and has tested my faith in the goodness of mankind. But as time passed, I have seen the power of love for human kind blossoming into something beautiful.  Michael entrusted us with a legacy of so much love that it is almost impossible for it not to have taken root and begin to grow.  He proved to me that his was not a selfish journey through this fascinating life taking only the high roads; but that his journey intentionally veered off oftentimes to the low lying valleys of the drown trodden and those not so fortunate in life.  And in so doing he gave new hope and meaning to all of God’s people.  In my eyes, he was a modern day Saint.  In my heart, he will always be. 

For this occasion I wanted to make a tribute video for Michael that was befitting him.  But in retrospect I have decided to leave you with a story of what happened to me, just this day.  To me, it was like a message from Michael telling me to let him go.  God works in mysterious ways.

On my way home today, sitting and waiting for my bus in 90+ degree temperatures, a young man probably in his early 20s who was carrying in his hand a bunch of roses, came up to me.  I don't know if it was because he sensed my sadness or if maybe he had noticed the many buttons I was wearing on my clothing depicting Michael Jackson's image.  But he made his way straight to me and gave me a rose.  He smiled and I thanked him tearfully and then he walked on away.  His eyes were so kind I felt as though he could read my toughest.
As I held this beautiful rose in my hand under the scorching sun, it began to wither.  I held it and tried to shied it from the heat that was taking away it's vibrance, but the petals just kept withering and the stem drooped.  So I closed my hand around the bud to try to keep it strong enough until I finally was able to get home and put it into water.  

When I arrived at my door and opened my hand, the rose had completely closed.  And for some reason that broke my heart.  I found a bud vase and filed it with life giving water & put the rose into it.  But it never revived.  It never came back,  And it made me reevaluate how helpless we are in the face of this thing, this tin line between life and death, to change it. 

So now, I sit here looking at this flower and I'm sobbing my heart out and feeling somehow that I failed to care enough.  In all my effort, it still withered away.  And it serves to remind me of just how fleeting life is and that sometimes, no matter what we do, it will simply slip away.  And in retrospect, I am taken back to Michael and his last rehearsal.  I see him vibrant, his petals open wide, full of life.  He's back.  He's back.  And then, just a few hours later, the headless scream that he is gone.  His petals fell away.  The brightest most beautiful rose the weld has ever known, the rose that was Michael Jackson, under the watchful eye of the entire world, closed and died.  He died. And there was nothing we could do to revive him and bring him back.  He was gone.  Much too soon.

One of my favorite movies of al times is IAm Sam.  I am inclined to think that it must've been one of michael's too.  I can almost envision him watching and cheering on and crying with the character Sam as he struggled with l.o.v.e. to not have his daughter whom he loved unconditionally and with all of his heart, from him.  So as I celebrate Michael on this 3rd anniversary, and close this chapter and make my final post on this blog, I dedicate this song  from that movie, and this short poem to him from my heart.  I will never forget you, Michael Jackson.  You will always be the catalyst behind every kind deed I do.  In my lifetime there has never been and I have never known a love like your love.  May peace be with you always.  

People come into our lives for a reason
Sometimes good and sometimes bad
They might stay for a lifetime or only a season
And when they go you reflect on what you had

In my lifetime no one did it better
never since and no one ever before
& if I never again find love in my life
I'm content knowing that you loved me more

Michael Jackson always rocking my world and leaving me forever speechless

Song lyrics to Ben Folds - Golden Slumbers:


Once there was a way to get back homeward 
Once there was a way to get back home 
Sleep pretty darling do not cry 
And I will sing a lullaby 

Golden slumbers fill your eyes 
Smiles awake you when you rise 
Sleep pretty darling do not cry 
And I will sing a lullaby 

Once there was a way to get back homeward 
Once there was a way to get back home 
Sleep pretty darling do not cry 
And I will sing a lullaby