Monday, December 26, 2011

The best Christmas present I could ever receive

Thank you Barry Gibb for releasing the full video for Michel & your fans.  Love you more.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Behold the Lambs of God

  Today is Christmas, 2011.  It is exactly two years and six months that Michael died for the sin of showing too much love to a world where love and being loved too much is the ultimate sin punishable by the ultimate sacrifice.  As I sit in wonder on this day, the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ, I am also in awe at the fulfillment of his promises to us.  God came to us for only a little while in the body of Christ.  He was born of a woman, and lived amongst us in the flesh so that we might see the living God through our own eyes, suffering alongside us while working miracles, and emparting unconditional selfless love unto us.  He came to us as a child who grew into a man who walked with us, so that he could show us how much he understood us and that he loved us enough to suffer the same perils did we.  Have you ever just sat and though how totally unselfih that was.  To be loved so much that he would come with one purpose, to die for us on a cross that we be free of all our sins!  I cannot describe what that does to my heart and my soul.  He is the way and the truth and I shall love him always.
I have oftentimes quoted the promise that God made to us that a child shall lead them.  He promised that he would come and I have always believed that that promise was fulfilled in the body of Michael Jackson.  It feels he too had an ultimate purpose on this earth and that his death was the sacrifice that was its fulfillment. Sometimes God uses bad people to do good things.  The death of Michael was by a bad person.  But the change in the hearts of millions and millions of people only came about after the fulfillent had been done.  Michael's death, just like Jesus', turned humanity around.  All around me everywhere is the embodiment of what Michael Jackson's life was about.  The world has changed for the good of all of us.  Deeds of kindness have permiated this planet and in all of it , in every kin deed, we see visbly the workings and teachings of our angel, Michael Jackson.   He too is the truth and I shall love him always.
In Ezekiel 34:25 this profound message stopped me in my tracks: "I wll make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of wild beasts so that they may live in the desert and sleep in the forests."  
At first read I thought of Michael's Neverland where animals of all types lived peacefully amongst the many people who visited and lived there.  But then upon further pondering the premise became deeper.  Michael Jackson not only brought about a peace with the animals and understood them, but he more profoundly was doing all in his power to increase humility and compassion and love in the world; especially for the children.  He was in fact making a covenant for them to ensure that they might be safe in a world where children are abused and murdered and denied the right to a peaceful co-existence.  The wild beast being the perpetrators of the world who abuse and neglect children and deny them the right to be free to roam.   Michael was working to tame the beast by teaching them the values and importance of the lambs in the world, the children. How profound!
It is lessons like these that keep me constantly faithful to my belief that though Jesus is omnipotent and no one can ever match or even compare to all that he is, I believe that he having lived once upon a time amongst us knows that sometimes as human nature dictates, people need to see the work manifest  by one who has lived and grew up and suffered, yet excelled to become the phoenix, the light amongst us, in order that we can relate to and respond at the level of the heart. This being the same reason that Jesus came in the flesh to abide with and dwell amongst us so many years ago.
He sends us angels because he understands our psyche and wants for us the very best.  In my lifetime, with every beat of my heart, I believe that Michael Jackson was one of them.  
I am not trying to force my beliefs on you, just speaking from my heart.  Michael will always be an angel to me.  God Bless the Lambs of God.
Have a merry Christmas my friends.  Love conquers all.