Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When is the world going to appologize?

Sitting at work today and skimming over some posts made on various fan sites for Michael Jackson I began to feel so very sad for Michael.  I could almost feel him moving in my heart, uncomfortable with the words my eyes were seeing.  It almost made me physically ill.

When is enough time going to pass where the questions of the 1993 allegations are all satisfactorily answered and the world is at last, convinced that Michael was victimized by that family, thus making it not news worthy anymore?  Is it ever going to happen?

The same with the 2005 trial and its lack of credible evidence forcing a not guilty verdict return on all counts.  The books written, the professional interviews well publicized proving a case of an entire family out to maliciously persecute Michael Jackson out of greed.  The witch hunt of an inept, biased, vindictive District Attorney and his prosecutorial team should be the ones made the object of disgust.  But no, that’s not good enough, or news worthy enough to keep the hate going.  What in heaven and on earth will it take to make all of that simply go away?  When can we be done with that and move on to what is important; correcting many if not all of the wrongs done to Michael Jackson simply because he was who he was by design and purpose?  He is owed complete and full retribution and apologies are owed to his children, his mother, his family, his friends.  What exactly must one do, how much pain must one endure, how much shame and humiliation must one be forced to suffer for petty whimsical amusement?  

Michael Jackson was a human being with feelings and emotions.  He was soft spoken, gentle and kind.  I cannot even imagine how sad and betrayed he must’ve felt much of his life on this planet, the one he loved and honored and cherished more than life itself.  Can you imagine?  I simply cannot, not by any means.  But I hurt for him, and that hurt feels like a deep, festering, open sore.  To him it must’ve been likened to a hot stabbing dagger thrust into his soul, his heart, constantly twisting and tearing and pulling him apart.  No mercy. No peace.  After so many beatings emotionally, I had begun to see the pain in his eyes;   he tears formed behind them before they would fall.  I can almost hear his prayers; feel his loneliness and his solitude and his lack of understanding “why he was the object of such hatred and persecution” when he had done so much for so many.  What did he do that he should deserve this existence?  Did God turn away from him and allow all these monsters and demons to ravish him? What did Michael Jackson do that he became so alienated and ostracized?   He loved. He loved God, the world, people.  Those were his only crimes.  In this world where everything is about envy, greed, and excess love has little value.   Michael Jackson who was about love and non worldly things became nothing more to those who used him but a stepping stone to get to a position in life where they felt important.  It mattered not that they were breaking his back as a result of it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The trial is coming and guess who’s back - Yeah…him

…Martin Bashir on MSNBC debuting on 2/28/2011.  This is an insult to Michael Jackson, his children, his mother, his family and  a slap in the face to all who love him.  How convenient that Martin be hired “just in the nick of time” to report on the trial.  How amazingly convenient.  He really should be behind bars for his unconventional, purposely maninipulative style of mis representation of his subject.  But, such is the way of the world.  What puzzles me is how a man can be so arrogant and pompous as to literally lead a kind, loving, innocent human being down a path of total destruction that culminated in his death and be able to sit tall in front of millions and contine to perpetuate the fraud?  As if he did nothing wrong; as if he had no hand in Michaels demise.  Martin Bashir destroyed Michael Jackson.  He killed his spirit long before the Conrad Murrays of the world were even thought about.  He made Michael into a lonely, reclusive, terrified man.  He made Michael lose his belief in humanity and mankind.  He took away Michael’s strength, his light, when he made it impossible for him to carry on the mission he worked tirelessly to achieve; healing the world through love for our children.  Now he sits high on his throne, unscathed, as if he is a law abiding, upstanding human being.  How does that happen?  Why?  Because America allowed it.  Michael Jackson was America’s brightest star and America sat back and allowed him to be shot down.  America did not stand by, beside, nor behind him.  He was not cherished or protected by her.  She turned her back on him and never once glanced over her shoulder to make sure that he was okay.  I am an American and I am ashamed at how we dishonored and failed to embrace this  hero, this legend, this irreplaceable treasure.  What message do we send to the planet when we still allow people like Martin Bashir to sit in representation of us?  Speak for us?  Report for us?  Ask yourselves then tell me if I am delusional.  Many think that I am.  But then, so did they think the same of Michael Jackson at times.  I’ll say this and I’m done for now; being delusional it seems sometimes puts one in the company of angels and saints  i.e. Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson… Need I go on?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Michael was...

When I think back over the life of Michael Jackson, I become saddened.  Why? Because I see a man who was thrust into the world as a very young child, too young to understand what manner of evil lay in wake for him.  He was from the very start a bright, exuberant, enthusiastic, self assured child whose trust came naturally.  He was inquisitive, determined, happy, and remarkably talented even then.  He was a prodigy. He was born with everything he would ever need to carry him above and beyond. He worked hard, yes. But he also perfected everything he set out to do. It was always excellent.  ALWAYS.  Yet he never felt it was as good as it could be. Unbelievable! Michael Jackson was God’s gift to humanity. I believe that.  Never before and never again will there ever be one whose light was so bright that it shone in everything he touched be it music or dance, art or creative writing, speaking or singing.  God granted him everything he woud require to hone his craft and he gave him a heart big enough to hold so much love that it simply oozed out of him no matter how people tried to persecute him.  He never hardened.  He just wasn’t made that way.

I will always love him.  Nothing can ever sway my belief that he was purposely put in our midst to save us from ourselves.  So many just didn’t get it and never will.  Their loss.  Yet it doesn’t change the facts.  He was given a Judas who lived in his midst.  He was criticized and ostracized and lied on and denied the life, love, liberty and pursuit of happiness promised to every human being, by human beings, who are fallible and ever changing.  He was rediculed, persecuted, prosecuted and then he was crucified.  Same story.  Different time.

How long will it take for the world to heed the messages:  Know your history lest you be forced to re-visit it.

Sadly, we just did.

Today is just another day

…but it is a day that has me filled with all kinds of mixed emotions.  Up one minute.  Down the next.  I read Martin Bashir is coming back to MSNBC on the 28th of February.  How is this so?  What can we do or say to get the point across that Martin Bashir is a co-conspirtor in a murder… a very monumental, complex murder?  I mean at times it gets depressing.  It is nearing time for the trial of Conrad Murray and deep down inside I feel he’s not going to get what he deserves.  Yet I pray I am wrong and that he will at least be found guilty on this lesser charge he has been given.  4 years for murdering in cold blood, an angel.  God must surely be disgusted with this world and its people.  I don’t know how much longer I can continue to allow this to disparage me.  I am only one and powerless to make any changes big enough to make a real difference.  Still I try.  If only the world knew what that man meant in my life.  If only they knew how many times I have turned on and listened to his words or read his books or just looked into those calming, beautiful eyes and found solace in an otherwise chatotic existence.  He saved me.  How can I not be there for him?  I can’t not be.  I made a promise to myself on June 25, 2009, that I would see it through; stand up and be counted in the numbers of those who would do all in their power to institute the change he lived and died for.  I will not stop now.  I am tired.  I am weary.  But when I think of all he did, and how weary he must have been, and all the pains he suffered to make sure that the world would be made better for those who were weak and sick and disheartened, I gather that second wind.  It is coming.  It is going to be hard.  But I will stand with the millions upon millions and hold my head high.  Michael Jackson needs our voices.  He cannot speak for himself.  Dr. Conrad Murray killed Michael Jackson.  Time has not changed that.  And… it never will.  All he asked is that we be there, to cry at the same time, and never let go of his hand.  Across the continents, let his will be done.