Sunday, September 25, 2011


25 months on this 25th day.  That’s how long the world has suffered been without its light, Michael Jackson.  I have been online all day today which is something I can hardly do anymore.  It pains me too much.  But today with Reverend Catherin whose guest were Lynton Guest nd Jon Vogel, I started off chatting with them and the soon after participated in Major Love Prayer and every Michael Jackson conversation in between.  Today has been all Michael.

We talked about Invinvible and the history behind it and how we should get it to number 1 come October.  I pledge to do my part to see that come into fruition.  We talked about Sony and how not to support them hurts Michael’s legacy.  It’s not about Sony.  It’s about keeping Michael’s music alive and always heard. We taked about love, l.o.v.e. and Michael’s messages.  And we talked about Michael’s light.  He is thelight of the world.

The trial is starting this week, 9/27/2011 exactly 15 years to the day that I lost my son.  Not a coincidence.  I always feel down on 9/27 and this year would have been a very down time for me were it not for Michael Jackson.  Here comes Michael to save me again.  Angels do that, you know.  Though I will spend my every waking hour with thoughts of my son and memories of days gone by, I cannot dwell in self pity because life goes on and there is still much work to do.  My mind will be occupied with both landmarks and that will keep me sane.

For my son I say, you know how loved and missed you are.  You know how precious are the memories.  But you also know that I will not allow my sorrow to stop me from working for the good of man.  My heart is open wide to those things that require constant care.  15 years without you has only made my dedication stronger.  I do these things because of and not in spite of you.  You were my world.  We were of one accord and we both had a giving spirit.  I continue those things in honor and in memory of you always.

As we embark on September 27, 2011, I do so with an open heart and an open mind.  I know that there will be tryng times.  But as it was so poignantly stated in today’s Major Love Prayer, God has his arms around Michael Jackson and his light is so bright that no one can ignore it.  It will light up the world from LA to Atlanta, to Japan and Africa, and everywhere in between.  Michael’s light will shine.  So I have decided that no matter what happens, no matter the outcome in the courtroom on Clara Ward Blvd, Michael Jackson is already vindicated through the blood of Christ.  He is lifted above man’s laws and outcomes.  The verdict is already in.   With that in mind I say let the games begin and let the children play God in a building made of stone.  Michael is playing in a land far away and made of pure gold.  As he sits back and watches the proceedings I know he will not be troubled.  His children, his mother, his family, his fans will all be victorious.  It’s already written.  It’s already done.

Michael Jackson I love you so much that it feels like another piece of my heart was torn away.  15 years ago and again 25 months ago.  But I can attest to the fact that the heart is a mighty fortress and it will sustain me as long as it be God’s will.  Only His will.

So dear Michael, when all of man’s judging is said and done and this is over, you will still be the victor.  They have no communion over you.  Yours is the Lords.  Thou will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.  It’s destiny and therfore, Invincible!

Lord have mercy on us al.  Keep us strong and with our eyes on the prize.  The last and greatest judgement is yours.

You still rock my world and leave me speechless.  Always have.  Always will.