Friday, July 29, 2011



'When God leads you to the edge of the 
cliff, trust Him fully and let go, only 1 of 2 
things will happen, either He'll catch you when 
you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! '

In one month, we will be reflecting again.  It would have been Michael Jackson’s 53rd birthday, a very young 53.  We will reflect on his life and in wonderment, imagine what he would be doing on that day.  We will be sad and happy and singing and rejoicing and praying and dreaming about all of what could have been, should have been, would have been.  That’s just human nature when you love someone and you lose them.  A never celebrated birthday always brings up the memories and the what ifs.  Just as the date of death does.  They always give us cause to stop and reflect.

I don’t know what I will be doing on that day.  There is no way to prepare for it.  But I plan to trust that God will guide me.  I hope I will find a way to get through the day without sadness because Michael’s birth ushered in a new era, an era of love for the planet, the universe and each other.  Michael taught us by example that it is not enough to have unless we give back, and give back in abundance.  Michael showed us that we were all the same and love sees no differences.  Michael showed us how to walk in humility and do it gracefully.  Michael made us believe in dreams and in the magic of Peter Pan.  Michael made us each feel special by simply saying I love you more.  Because we knew, by feeling it in our hearts and throughout our bodies and souls, that he really did.  He loved you. He loved me.  In that one perfect body lived enough love to share with every living thing in the whole world.  Ad we were all a part of it.  We witnessed it.  Many words will be written about it in history.  But to live it… God is good.

Yes, God led Michael to the edge of the cliff.  Michael trusted Him and in faith, he let go.  He knew he wouldn’t  fall.  He never did in his life.  I believe that God has been teaching Michael how to fly all the days of his life.   He took that final leap of faith and now… he soars. 

So now when I think of Michael’s birthday and from this day forward, I will think of it as the day that God sent us an angel.  All his 50 years were gifts to us.  But his forever was never ours to keep.  I am thankful, I am humbled to have been blessed to have lived in Michael’s era and experienced his kind of love.  It is everlasting.  God bless the child.  And Michael, I will always love you more.  

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Truth runs marathons… so I’ve got to say it

Since Michael’s death, I have been going over something in my mind that has been puzzling me.  Why is it that every effort we set out to accomplish for Michael only half succeeds?  I look at the Tribute Portrait that has only 300,000 signatures or dots assigned.  They should long ago have had 1,000,000.  No question.  I look the the Official Michael Jackson Fan page and there is always bickering.  I visit the death hoax pages and they are bickering.  I see twitter, facebook, Justice pages and everyone is at odds.  Then I suddenly realize what the problem is, Michael Jackson’s fans are unequivocally divided.  First the believers that feel Michael still lives are pitted against the non-believers who says he certainly is dead and that the non-believers are delusional and not real fans.  Then there are the conspiracy therorists who feel that more than one person was involved in Michael’s death.  They believe he died but by circumstances different from what we have been led to believe.  So to oppose them are the ones who are solely Conrad Murray did it fans.  They see the Conspiracy theroist as ruining the chance for anyone to be convicted of Michael’s death.  When in all sincerity, I see that as a real possibility anyway the way things are going.

What is NOT happening is that the FANS of Michael Jackson are working together for one goal.  Everyone is so set on their own agendas that they are not willing to put that aside and work for what we are really all here for, Michael Jackson.   The truth is we will never get 100% of anything until we are.  It is time to forget about our different beliefs and concentrate on the bigger picture.  Let people have their own theories.  That’s their right.  But do not allow that to get in the way when we are working on the vision.  The moderators of all of these different boards can make the difference if they would make it a rule that NO ONE is ridiculed or shunned or bullied because they see a different outcome, a different truth.  No one should be allowed to be verbally abused and that should be the general rule.  If you don’t like a particular thread, oblige onesself to skip it.  It’s all about Michael Jackson and regardlessof our theories or beliefs or “gut feelings”, everyone loves him.  If we intend to accomplish any goal in unision, then we MUST stop thinking that our truth is the only one.  We have got to STOP ostracizing others and come together for the good of the legacy.  Until we do, every effort that’s put out there is going to fail or half succeed.  And that’s not good enough.  Michael Jackson deserves our very best efforts.  He deserves our undivided attention.  He deserves for us to work together, all for love, like he did for us even with all that was stacked agaist him.  He did it and never looked back and never turned the other way.  He DESERVES for us to stand as one for him.  He never divided his love for us.  We must give back as much or more, if even that is possible.  We must.  Can we do it?  I believe we can and we will.

It’s not about you or me.  It’s about Michael Jackson and he deserves the best that we can offer.  So far, I don’t see he’s ever gotten that.  But if anyone in this world ever deserved 100% it is Michael.  If we, the fans whom he loved and gave his entire life to, continue the division and never come together,  he never will get it.  And that will be a greater crime.

Michael I love you more.

25 months of pain and joy

I cannot believe that it has been 2 years and 1 month tomorrow without Michael Jackson.  It is hard for me to believe that I made it.  I never thought I could.  My heart and my spirit were so broken when Michael died that it took a real effort to remember to breathe.  At times I found myself breathless and gasping for air.  As if my lungs were closed and could not accept the air they needed to function.  Sleep escaped me.  I went days and days without being able to close my eyes and rest.  I had no appetite for food, only for information and pictures and words and song, anything… everything that put Michael back where he belonged, in this world with me.  It worked, for a time, and then the more that I learned about his death and all the intricate details surrounding it, even those things became mundane and it became my passion to try to piece the puzzle together that was just beginning to form.  And it was huge.  Larger than life and more sinister than I would have ever imagined.  It was the most horrible news I had ever gotten, that Michael Jackson had died.  But it became multiplied exponitiously when I learned that he didn’t just die, but was taken from us.  That made my grief, my pain, my emotional despair all the more complex.  I was angry. I was hurt.  I was a total, complete mess of a human being.  As I said, I never thought I would be here today, especially totally calm and enjoying the many, many gifts left behind by this man I’ve come to call simply Angel.  But I am.  I am totally at peace in knowing that after 25 months, the world is more Michaelish.  Things are happening that never would have happened, major things, had it not been for Michael’s death.  And because I believe in God and His promise, one being that a child will lead them, I believe that Michael was taken back, albeit abruptly, because he had done what God had planned for him to do.  He is embedded in our hearts forever.  And if he is there, so is his vision.  We know what Michael’s vision was as well or even better than we know our own.  And we see it coming into fruition and even exploding across the planet where it is needed most.  So joyously I say, there is a lot of Michael in the world.  Though he be not here in the physical form, he is forever here in the hearts of those who loved him or who have gotten to love him since his passing.

Be ever wonderful my Angel of calm and peace.  In 25 short months, Michael Jackson has impacted the world more than any other human being dead or living with his message of love for all of God’s creations.  That could only have been attained by one from a higher source, and I believe in my heart, that Michael Jackson is that child of whom’s coming we had been foretold.

Life is fleeting, but love lives forever.  Michael is love.  He will never, ever die.

The very thought of him or the mention of his name, gives me unyielding joy and always, but always renders me forever speechless.  I will always love him more.

Cassie for Maxwell

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Response to MuzikFactoryTwo Blog

I have so very often thought about the things of which you speak.  It is going to be very difficult being a Michael Jackson offspring in this society where everyone will be out there to exploit them, and will lay in wake for any occasion to degredate their integrity, simply because of their parentage.  I have often times spoken publicly about their safety first and all else that stands to follow in abundance due to them simply being who they are. Of course I got slammed as expected.  But the truth is the truth and as Michael said it runs marathons around anything else.   I agree with you 100% that these children should be better protected.  They are too visible and are not being raised according to Michael’s standards of care.  If not Debbie Rowe, somebody needs to step in and raise these children in a responsible manner. Rhinocerris skin comes from years and years of being outcast with all odds against, and being forced  to cope with those circumstances alone because no one stood by you through it all.  Those children might think that they are prepared for any and everything, but in truth, they don’t know what they are potentially up against and it will get worse long before it gets better.  They, unfortunately, are not like other children no matter how hard they try to be.  They are heirs to a fortune and there will ALWAYS be danger attached to that.  There will always be a negative mark attached to them as long as there is tabloid media and those  people who will always hate Michael Jackson.  The children MUST be protected and shielded from the evil that prevails because it’s not going anywhere.

I wish the very best for Paris, Prince and Blanket.  I really wish they could just grow up normally and be like other children.  But they cannot.  They are special, like it or not, and it is IMPERATIVE that they be protected as the royalty that they are.  Their lives depend on it.

I often have thought of them in the same vein as the Kennedy children.  Camelot is a beautiful, priviledged existence; but it is also an extremly hard place to find onesself inherrent in.  The Kennedy’s had everything one could dream of, but the children, and especially the name sakes, lost themselves in the process to.  I so do not want to see Michael’s children grow up to be lost in the world.  I do not want to see their names in the tabloids for any reason but certainly not for an negativity.  They are at an impressionable age where they are coming into their own personalities and it is at this time that they need more guidance and direction, not less. They cannot be turned loose to run worry and carefree. There are real, dangers in being who they are.  The things they are being allowed to do in my opinion is MADNESS.  Sound decisions MUST be made by someone with ONLY their best interests at heart. Tough love is a definite must.

My friend, I wholeheartedly agree that at this point, something has to change.  I don’t like what I see and the complications that are possible if they continue in the direction they are taking.  Wrong road that could lead them head on into hardship, harm and total disaster.

Please protect Michael’s children.  If we did not get to help Michael before we lost him, we can at least do the next best thing in advocating for love and protection of the one thing that he would have unquestionably given his life for, his children.