Sunday, July 17, 2011

Response to MuzikFactoryTwo Blog

I have so very often thought about the things of which you speak.  It is going to be very difficult being a Michael Jackson offspring in this society where everyone will be out there to exploit them, and will lay in wake for any occasion to degredate their integrity, simply because of their parentage.  I have often times spoken publicly about their safety first and all else that stands to follow in abundance due to them simply being who they are. Of course I got slammed as expected.  But the truth is the truth and as Michael said it runs marathons around anything else.   I agree with you 100% that these children should be better protected.  They are too visible and are not being raised according to Michael’s standards of care.  If not Debbie Rowe, somebody needs to step in and raise these children in a responsible manner. Rhinocerris skin comes from years and years of being outcast with all odds against, and being forced  to cope with those circumstances alone because no one stood by you through it all.  Those children might think that they are prepared for any and everything, but in truth, they don’t know what they are potentially up against and it will get worse long before it gets better.  They, unfortunately, are not like other children no matter how hard they try to be.  They are heirs to a fortune and there will ALWAYS be danger attached to that.  There will always be a negative mark attached to them as long as there is tabloid media and those  people who will always hate Michael Jackson.  The children MUST be protected and shielded from the evil that prevails because it’s not going anywhere.

I wish the very best for Paris, Prince and Blanket.  I really wish they could just grow up normally and be like other children.  But they cannot.  They are special, like it or not, and it is IMPERATIVE that they be protected as the royalty that they are.  Their lives depend on it.

I often have thought of them in the same vein as the Kennedy children.  Camelot is a beautiful, priviledged existence; but it is also an extremly hard place to find onesself inherrent in.  The Kennedy’s had everything one could dream of, but the children, and especially the name sakes, lost themselves in the process to.  I so do not want to see Michael’s children grow up to be lost in the world.  I do not want to see their names in the tabloids for any reason but certainly not for an negativity.  They are at an impressionable age where they are coming into their own personalities and it is at this time that they need more guidance and direction, not less. They cannot be turned loose to run worry and carefree. There are real, dangers in being who they are.  The things they are being allowed to do in my opinion is MADNESS.  Sound decisions MUST be made by someone with ONLY their best interests at heart. Tough love is a definite must.

My friend, I wholeheartedly agree that at this point, something has to change.  I don’t like what I see and the complications that are possible if they continue in the direction they are taking.  Wrong road that could lead them head on into hardship, harm and total disaster.

Please protect Michael’s children.  If we did not get to help Michael before we lost him, we can at least do the next best thing in advocating for love and protection of the one thing that he would have unquestionably given his life for, his children.

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