Saturday, December 15, 2012

God bless the children

Yesterday I sat with my eyes glued to the television and all the media coverage of the senseless school shootings and asked myself why.  I had to re-visit some horrible things that have happened to me personally in my life and wonder how long are we as citizens and human beings going to allow these kinds of tragedies to continue before we stand up and do something.  We have seen through all these incidents of hate filled murders that our government is shuffling their feet and making one excuse after the other but doing little to nothing to end these tragedies.  So what’s next? Who’s child will be strategically put in harm’s way down the road?  Because there will be a next time and another and another until we get a backbone and form a protective shield around them. We must become proactive.  If anything matters to us more than the safety of our children then what?  It has become unsafe to walk in this country, to live in our homes, and even to sit in church and unspeakably  for or children to sit in a school that should be a safe place to learn and grow and make friends.  What can we do?  For those already victims, not much.  Prayer is all I can offer now and in a way even that seems not enough.  We are on a Michael Jackson board, a man who was willing to slit his wrists for the right care and love of children.  I think Michael said it all when he said that we must show compassion, we must make people who are for what ever reason ostracized by society or family feel that their lives are of value.  And that includes our family members and other people we have come to know.  People don’t just wake up and say I’m going to kill some children today.  There were signs somewhere that somebody saw and knew about.  We must start to have those life saving conversations behind our doors and embrace our issues amongst our families, our co-workers, our friends so they don’t go out and take out their hostilities on innocent peoples.  Then we must march to our capitals and state offices and demand those officials we’ve voted into office give us the protections we’ve been promised.  There is no more time to wait and we have no more lives to give.  God Bless those 20 children who became the victims yesterday, the 7 adults and those families who today must be in shock, losing their minds, asking why, in pain, and feeling a loss for which they cannot be consoled.  This must change.  This must change.

1 comment:

  1. The time is Now! Turn those weapons into plowshares. Those should be words to live by.
