Sunday, March 20, 2011

Did Michael Jackson know something we didn’t know...

…and was he about to tell us, warn us, on a grand scale?  He said at the end of This Is It “we’ve only got four years”.  Certainly we could not correct all the wrongs we have done to the planet in four years.  But we could begin to honor her by starting to use her wisely.  Growing our own fruits and vegetables, cultivating the land, correcting poorly constructed infra structures, planting new oxyygen producing trees.  Not only would these simpe things help to fix her but also help us to help ourselves and not depend so heavily on the accesses and commodities currently available and accessible to us.  In doing so we would be forced by nature to form more humane bonds to our fellow man.  We would become inter dependent on each other and become each other’s helpers.  All of these things would fall into place.  But why the urgency?  Why 4 years?  As I see it, Michael was a visionary.  Michael was wise beyond his years.  Michael was very well read.  Michael knew what was happening in the world that the government had been conveniently keeping away from the commoners, us.  I think that perhaps Michael was referring to the collapse of the financial market, the fall of the US and British currency, that would mean disaster on a grand scale beyond anything we could imagine.   Why?  Because it is already happening, little by little, but big enough for each and every one of us to see if we’d just open our eyes.

Did you know that there was a secret meeting held with all the world leaders as recently as last year, that included every embasy EXCEPT the United States whereby they discussed the probability of reliveing the American dollar of its prestigious title of world reserve currency?  Did you know that there are now places in the United States and abroad who are refusing to honor the US dollar for goods and services?  Did you know that China is no longer so willing to buy and trade with US currency?  The same is happening all over the world and even here in parts of the United States.  You didn’t know that, did you?  But it is happening as we speak.

When Michael Jackson said we have 4 more years in 2009, it is my thoughts that he was referring to 4 years for us to get our financial lives in order by devising and sticking to a plan that would carry us through the fall of the empire.  I do believe it will fall.  Preparing us for what we would need in order to survive a financial catastrophe the magniude of which has never been seen before.  Remember 2008 and the decline of the real estate giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?   The trend of the market went kerplunk.  However, it never really revitalized as the government would have us believe.  The government is content on fooling us.  They are borrowing and borrowing against our money, our reserves.  They are in so much debt that I don’t ever see us getting out no matter how much money the Federal Reserve decides to print. They are digging our financial graves.  Our money is no longer our money.  We get back a mere pittance of what we have invested.  But getting back to Michael, from the period of 2008 to 2013 is 5 years… the exact same number of years it took for the great depression of 1937 to 1942, to bottom out.  In 2009, 4 more years would be 2013.  I believe that Michael saw it coming and he wanted to warn us, to prepare us.  However, the government would see that as threatening to their well being.  They don’t want us to know!  They wil sacrifice us to save themselves.  They surely wouldn’t want to warn us, thereby making us stop opening savings accounts and 401ks, buying worthless, over priced real estate, securing loans for everything from A to Z, taking our money out of their banks, exchanging it for other commodities, and the like; in other words being so indebted to them that we would never be able to get our heads above water again when the crisis comes.  Michael knew too much.  He knew that during the great depression currency was worthless.  Interest rates were so high that people basically lost everything.  Shops and businesses closed because taxes were so high they couldn’t afford to operate.  Gas and oil prices skyrocketed. Everything shut down.  People stood in lines to get rations of food.  Can you imagine what would happen in this decade if the same were to happen?  It would be mass chaos.  Lives would be lost.  People would die, kill, commit suicide.  Not for money but for things like food and water.  Money would be worthless.  Perhaps Michael was about to let the cat ot of the bag.  And if anyone could get the attention of the masses… he could.

I don’t know.  There is so much to speculate in Michael’s untimely, unnatural passing.  But that he said so definitively that we have only 4 years, it gives me cause to ponder on just exactly what he meant.

Anyway, just thinking out loud.  Don’t pay me no mind.  I have been known by tose who know me, to say what I think.  Even when no one else believes it.

ADDENDUM:  Just found this little blog on the web.  How fitting. Thought I’d share.
Did Michael Jackson Know Too Much?

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