Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Feelings

Father forgive them
For they know not what they do…

The life and death of Michael Jackson paints a sad commentary on the state of humanity in this country, throughout the world.  To take a man who was by nature so gentle and kind and full of hope of saving the planet through love and nurturing our children, and turn him into something to be ridiculed, targeted and ostracized is shameful if not outright criminal.  Michael Jackson was an innovator and a dreamer.  He was a creative genius and a gifted entertainer.  He was beauty inside, outside that had nothing to do with his physical attributes.  Yet even those, no matter in what stage of metamorphosis you found him, were ever still appealing to the senses.   He loved unconditionally, giving what he rarely received with an open hand and an open heart.  He never stopped believing in the human spirit and its ability to change the world.  To his death, he never stopped hoping, loving, and believing in us.  When Michael cried the world cried with him.  His only requests of us were to love the planet and love each other.  If he were able, even now, I believe that Michael would only ask of those who persecuted him that God forgive them, with no desires for retribution. His heart was made that way not by choice but by design.  To me, he was and will always be the face I see in my mind when ever I hear the word “Angel”.

How does this affect me?  Words cannot begin to describe the emptiness, the aloneness, the grief, nor the pain.  I feel depleted of the air I breathe when ever I think of the magnitude, the lengths that people took to insure that this gentle man would no longer be able to spin his magical web.  I feel depressed in knowing with no doubt in my mind, that Michael Jackson was targeted one last time and this time they hit their mark and took him away from us forever.  I am forever humbled by his grace and his courage to stand for what he believed in at any cost. 

What ever the reason so much has been lost to us, especially the joy and wonderment of so many sick and dying children.  Who will now speak up for them?  Who will embrace them and make them feel safe and loved?  Who will go to the hospitals and homes and low lying places and hold them, bring them gifts, smile with them and cry for them?  Who?  Who will delight an audience rendering the greatest show of their lives and then take every penny of its proceeds and donate it to them for what ever they need? Who will stand up under every pressure and continue to work and drum major their cause simply because it is the right thing to do? Who will do ALL those things and do it ONLY for love?  No one!  There was ONLY one and now, because of man and his greed and his envy paired with his desire to rid the world and all its goodness, he is no more…he is gone forever.  And I miss the very essence of him.  Knowing he no longer exists in this realm of time and space immobilizes me and dulls my senses. Knowing that he would still be here were it not for the careless antics of one who is sworn to an oath of service and care.  The pain consumes me.

Now, they have sank to an all time low during this trial of Conrad Murray, parading initially a deathbed picture of Michael Jackson at the UCLA Medical Center; and now an autopsy picture of him.  How long and how far is humanity willing to go to continue to depredate this man?  How far?  How long? Or is there ever going to be an end?  Michael Jackson was a very proud man and he was very private.  This is the final blow for me.  There was no reason to parade his picture in front of the world like that.  What was the point, and is any really good enough?  The only sure end result of having it cast out into cyberspace is that it is destined to become one of the thousands of cruel jokes played at the expense of Michael Jackson.  Has the world no shame as people, fellow human beings?  This man has children, a mother, and siblings; people who love him globally and would give anything to see him treated with respect, treated like you and me.  He is not a curiosity for show and tell.  He is not a 3-eyed monster.  But he has been made the poster child for all that is wrong with society; the shallowness, the envy, the lack of compassion; the bully mentality.  This is what we have come to.  Michael, were he here to speak, would likely only humbly ask that we forgive them, all for love, l.o.v.e. That’s the kind of human being that he was.  The world was not ready for him and as has been proven time and time again. We never deserved him though he proved by example all the days of his life that he loved us more.

Sleep peacefully, sweet angel.  God ordered your steps and you walked them well in your lifetime.  Now you no longer have to walk amongst man.  You are free at last to fly.

In eternal awe; you rocked my world and left me speechless.


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